A new release version of the PrePoMax contains the following FEM features:
- import native mesh from the *.unv files (IDEAS), which can be created by an open-source platform Salome; only linear and parabolic solid elements supported at the moment
- create node sets and element sets by selection on the mesh
- create surfaces from node sets for surface loads
- create reference points for constraints
- create linear-elastic materials
- create solid section properties
- create rigid body constraints
- create static analysis steps with support for large displacements and large rotations
- create supports in the global coordinate system
- create loads (concentrated force, moment, pressure, and surface traction)
- setup and run the analysis
- post-process the field output results (show max, min value, undeformed model …)
- query displayed nodal values
And the following user features:
- save and open models
- undo and redo operations
- rebuild the model from another mesh (first, create a model based on coarse mesh and then replace the mesh retaining all other model features)