PrePoMax contains many features needed to prepare, solve and post-process different FEM models. An overview of the most important features is listed below.
Analysis types
- Static linear analysis
- Static nonlinear analysis with geometric, material and contact nonlinearities
- Slip wear analysis
- Frequency analysis
- Buckling analysis
- Modal dynamic analysis
- Steady state dynamic analysis
- Explicit/implicit dynamic analysis
- Heat transfer analysis
- Uncoupled temperature-displacement analysis
- Coupled temperature-displacement analysis

Geometry based mesh creation
- Shell CAD parts – triangular and quadrilateral shell elements
- Shell .stl parts – triangular and quadrilateral shell elements
- Solid CAD parts – tetrahedral, pentahedral, and hexahedral solid elements
- Solid .stl parts – tetrahedral, pentahedral, and hexahedral solid elements
- Mesh refinement is possible for all mesh types, defined based on a vertex, an edge, or a surface

Finite element types
- Linear and parabolic triangular shell element (Calculix implementation)
- Linear and parabolic quadrilateral shell element (Calculix implementation)
- Linear and parabolic tetrahedral solid element
- Linear and parabolic pentahedral solid element
- Linear and parabolic hexahedral solid element
Assembly connections
- Spring constraint
- Compression-only constraint
- Rigid connection using a reference point
- Tied connection
- Contact with friction
Material models
- Built-in editable material library
- Linear-elastic material model (temperature dependent)
- Elasto-plastic material model with isotropic or kinematic hardening (temperature dependent)