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PrePoMax is based on the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8, which has to be installed on the computer in order for the PrePoMax to work.


Downloadable .zip archives contain a portable PrePoMax version that requires no installation. After downloading, just extract the .zip file to a non-system directory and run the executable .exe file named PrePoMax v#.#.#.exe.

The archive also contains a sub-directory with the sample models (Models), a sub-directory with the NetGen and MMG meshers (NetGen), a sub-directory with the Calculix solver (Solver) taken from the package at and a sub-directory for the temporary solution files (Temp).


Source Code

PrePoMax is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. PrePoMax source-code is available on GitLab:

Additionally, an open-source version of the Kitware Actiwiz is required ActiViz.NET-